pp701 Minimal Chair
Producer PP Møbler
Designer Hans J.Wenger
Material Walnut, Stainless Steel, Leather
Size W63 x D46 x H.68/sh43 (cm)
1965년 Wegner는 코펜하겐 북쪽의 Gentofte에 집을 완공하고 그곳에서 가족과 함께 40년 동안 살았습니다.
Wegner는 벽, 모든 캐비닛, 창문 및 문에 있는 각 돌의 배치에 이르기까지 집의 모든 작은 세부 사항을 직접 디자인했습니다.
pp701 미니멀 체어는 다이닝룸에 딱 맞게 특별히 디자인되었고, 처음으로 생산되었습니다. 그 이후로 의자는 한 번도 교체된 적이 없습니다.
The Minimal Chair seeks to provide an adequate support for the back with the minimum use of wood. Four pieces of solid wood are carved from 1¾ inch planks cut from trees around 100 years old. The right and left armrests and the lower and upper centre sections are cut in line of one another and paired.
About Hans J. Wegner(1914 – 2007)
Hans Jørgensen Wegner was born 2 April 1914 in Tønder, a small town in Southern Jutland, Denmark. Typical of the period, Tønder was a town rich in traditional crafts, Wegner the son of the local shoemaker, grew up familiar with the environment and tools used in his father’s workshop. Hans J. Wegner is among the greatest of furniture designers. His designs have been described as ‘timeless’, ‘everlasting’, ‘perfect to the fullest extent of what is possible’, and ‘free from passing trends’. Wegner is often referred to as the master of chairs and he considered the chair to be the greatest challenge within the field of design. Wegner says about PP Møbler: “The staff at PP Møbler consists of highly skilled artisans who work seriously with even the smallest details. Nothing is left to chance. I like to spend time with people who like their work and who take great pleasure in creating the most beautiful result possible.”
CH36 Chair
Producer Carl Hansen & Son
Designer Hans J.Wenger
Material Oak Black, Natural papercord
Size W55 x D48 x H.81/sh45 (cm)
About Hans J. Wegner(1914 – 2007)
Danish architect Hans J. Wegner is considered a pioneering furniture designer of the twentieth century
한스 웨그너[Hans J. Wegner]는 ‘덴마크 스타일의 모던함’을 대표하는 건축가이자 가구 디자이너입니다. 코펜하겐 미술 공예 학교[Copenhagen School of Arts and Crafts]에서 가구 제작자[cabinet maker]로 정식 교육을 받았고, 1938-1942에는 Arne Jacobsen과 Erik Moller의 건축 사무소에서 가구 디자이너로 일했습니다. 1938년 코펜하겐 미술 학교를 졸업한 한스 웨그너는 그 해부터 가구 제작 조합 박람회[cabinet maker’s guild]에 참여했으나 1947년이 되어서야 Peacock chair로 알려졌습니다. 1943년에는 Gentofte에 그의 사무실을 열었습니다. 그 후 덴마크 가구 회사인 Carl Hansen등과의 작업을 통해 CH24 Y Chair, CH36 Chair 등 유기적이고 재료의 자연스러움을 살린 가구들을 생산했습니다. 한스 웨그너의 가구들은 정밀한 구조와 상상력, 그리고 나무 소재를 사용한 것 외에도 대량 생산에 적합하도록 단순하게 디자인한 것이 특징입니다. 유행의 변화를 따르지 않는 그의 가구들은 자연스러운 소재의 아름다움과 더불어 실생활에 맞는 편안함을 갖춘 스칸디나비안 가구의 특징을 고스란히 보여주고 있습니다.
Mobile Chandelier 5
Producer Michael Anastassiades
Designer Michael Anastassiades, First produced 2011
Material Black Painted Brass, Mouth-blown opaline sphere
Size L230 x H.178.2 (cm)
The Mobile Chandeliers are delicate structures balanced in perfect equilibrium. Constructed following the principles of a mobile, these are arrangements of linear tubes, geometric light sources, reflective surfaces and counterbalancing weights. The pieces rotate freely and delicately, creating an ever-changing lighting configuration unique to the space they occupy.
Each Mobile Chandelier is individually tailored to ensure the balance of its approximately 200 hand-crafted patinated-brass components. Every piece is unique in its dimension and compositional balance, due to the varying weight of the mouth-blown opaline glass.
The first Mobile Chandelier was presented at Design Miami in 2008 for Cristina Grajales Gallery in New York. It was later developed as a collection for the Michael Anastassiades brand and has since remained an ongoing series. There are 16 chandeliers to date, the concept evolving with each new design. For example, Mobiles 1 to 6 consist of linear tubes assembled in varying configurations, while Mobiles 7 to 13 see the introduction of geometric curves. The newest additions, Mobiles 14 to 16, introduce a more free-form design, representing a departure from the disciplined geometry presented in previous models.
dansk X UND Sofa
Producer UND
Designer dansk X UND
Material Fabric, Form, Goose
Size W300 x D940 x H.60/sh33.5 (cm)
Sydney Chair
Producer Ferri1956
Designer Ludovica, Roberto Palomba
Material Oak Oil, Leather (Indian Red)
Size W80 x D93 x H.72/sh43 (cm)
A generous proportioned armchair covered in fabric. It comes with a hidden swivel base, which complement the sofas to be matched ideal for a conversation set up.